From Bodrum to Alanya
Distance from Alanya to Bodrum
The distance between Alanya and Bodrum is 410 kilometers in a straight line and 554 kilometers on roads. You need to spend 6 hours 47 minutes by car, the average price of gasoline is 4,200 rubles. However, traveling on foot, although free, takes much longer, namely 4 days. You can reduce it by a little less than 4 times by using a bicycle, while spending 150 thousand calories.
Planning a trip by car
Even the shortest trip must be planned in advance, namely, find out all the information about the route, plan stops, budget and time.
Preparing and organizing a road trip differs from planning and preparing other types of trips. Anything can happen on the road - the car will break down, or bad weather will prevent you from reaching your destination on time. The possibility of changing the route for one reason or another cannot be ruled out. It is also necessary to provide in advance places for “halts”, during which you can not only replenish fuel reserves, but eat and rest. Although it is not always possible to strictly adhere to the plan, and it is not always advisable. The main thing is not to end up on a deserted road in the middle of the prairie without gasoline, communications and food.
- Choose the time to travel by car when it is safest. Road safety should always be top priority.
- Plan your trip by car with some time reserve.
- Choose the time to travel when it is most interesting to you.
If you stop for a while on some section of the road, for example, in any locality you like, then try not to rush to refuel your car on that very day of arrival.
Car rent
Depending on the class of car, the price of the issue also depends; the national average price range starts from 1,600 rubles per day for rent in economy class and higher. You can rent a car for at least 24 hours or for an indefinite period, order it on the Internet, by phone and it will be delivered to you wherever you want, or you can come and pick it up at the company’s office.
Renting a middle class car for two days in the city of Bodrum will cost an average of 4,200 rubles. However, if you wish, you can rent a car of a lower class or vice versa of a premium class. There are also options for renting minivans if you plan to travel with a large family or group.
You can also order a convertible, the cost of which will exceed 15 thousand. However, what better way to see all the opening landscapes than the open roof of a car. This option is also suitable for a romantic trip.
There are also some rules when using a rented car. If transport is delayed by at least 1 hour, you will have to pay extra for the same day. In the event of an accident due to the fault of a third party, that is, not you, if you provide all the circumstances, you will not be charged; if you do not provide them, you will fully pay for the repair of the damaged car. The return of the car occurs with the preparation of a transfer and acceptance certificate and its signing by the parties - this is the end of the rental agreement.
By renting a car, you are fully responsible for its maintenance, safety, compliance with all terms of the contract, and compliance with the requirements of the Road Traffic Rules. By violating the rules of car rental, you will suffer both financial and moral losses, and you will be able to prove your innocence only in court in accordance with civil law.
Route types
You can consider not only a direct route for travel, there are also alternative options:
- Ring. It differs in that the route there and back takes different routes. But if your trip is longer, then it is more interesting to choose different paths to see something new outside the car window or visit some attraction along the way.
- Star. A combination of the two previous options with radial departures at the final destination of the trip. For example, a panoramic trip from Alanya to Bodrum does not end after you reach your destination; you can stay in a local hotel for a while and also travel around the surrounding area.
Nearest cities from Bodrum
Also near the city of Bodrum, from which it is planned to start the journey, there are several other cities:
- Kos - 21.76 km
- Milas - 43.58 km
- Marmaris - 77.09 km
- Kusadasi - 92.09 km
- Aydin - 96.5 km
- Rhodes - 97.13 km
The cities on the list are also resort cities, you can pay attention to the bottom for subsequent trips or, if their location coincides with the travel route, as places for an additional visit.
Advantages of visiting Alanya city
The local coastline has an interesting nature, thanks to which the entire coastline consists of sections of different landscapes. In some places, the coast is divided by rocks into cozy coves, and somewhere, on the contrary, the coastal strip is flat with open sandy beaches. Since the climate here is hot, summer lasts almost six months and swimming in the well-warmed sea is a pleasure. But due to the heat, there are fewer trees here than in other areas of Turkey. However, numerous citrus fruits, palm trees and other tropical plants can be seen in Alanya.
Newlyweds who want to spend their honeymoon in solitude and each other's company, elderly couples who enjoy leisurely walks in the fresh air, families with children, and young noisy groups come here.
Here you can not only improve your health and boost your immunity, but also have fun riding water slides, playing exciting games on specially equipped, absolutely safe areas, and visit a water park with many breathtaking attractions
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